Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well yesterday I had my routine weekly doctors appointment. And we found out that I am dilated 2 1/2 centimeters. So technically we could have a baby within the next few days or it could take a few more weeks to officially go into labor. I guess we should decide on a name huh? But that is so hard to agree on. This waiting game is just so nerve racking, I wish I was psychic that way I could sleep with a restless mind, but no now I worry that I'm going to go into labor..... the worrying never ends!!!

1 comment:

Tracy Laverty said...

Ronda- the shower looked like a blast and you got quite a loot. I am so happy Netty could come out and suprise you. She is great! Good luck with the next couple of weeks- that baby will be here in no time!