Thursday, December 2, 2010

After bath time I decided to take a couple pictures while letting Spence relax without his oxygen and monitors suck to him. He seemed to enjoy not having all the extras on him. Spence is now 1 month old and doing great. Brooklyn loves him and keeps trying to give him toys, diapers, wipes pretty much anything she can get her hands on to throw into his crib. Well to say the least we are doing pretty ok.

Monday, November 15, 2010

We are finally home

We finally got to bring Spencer home on Thursday. He is still on oxygen and a monitor, but is doing well. Brooklyn loves him and is always checking up on him to make sure that he is still sleeping in his crib. The only problem is that she does not understand that she can't touch and hold him..... doctors orders:( We have our first check up on Thursday so hopefully we can get off of all the tubes and monitors that scream in the middle of the night!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to the world Brigham Spencer Young V

We are so happy to say that we welcomed Brigham Spencer Young V to this world on October 27 at 10:13pm. He was 5lbs 7oz and 17 inches long. We will be calling him Spencer/Spence..... (we have had a lot of questions about that.) He was on a ventilator, but has now been removed from that. Now he only has a IV in his belly button and a feeding tube in his nose. We are now able to hold his twice a day for skin to skin time, and learning to feed. The doctors predict that he will only be in the NICU for about 3 weeks. He has Jaundice so in some pictures his hat is over his eyes for protection from the lights that he needs to be under.
As for the Labor Story.......... Well it was Wednesday at 6pm..... we had our boy scouts over and BJ was carving pumpkins with them, as I started having contractions. They were very sporadic at this point so I thought it was just the Braxton Hicks contractions... I was so wrong! at 7 after scouts the contractions started getting a little more consistent. I started questioning labor at this point so I called my midwife... they said take a hot shower to try to stop the contractions. Ya that didn't work. So as I laid in bed the midwife called back and asked how I was doing... I said the contractions are getting about 8 minutes apart. She told me she was in SLC and she would start to head down, I asked if there was really anything she could do to stop it and she said no. So I told her to just say in SLC and I will go to the hospital and let her know what happens. So BJ, Brooklyn and I head down to the hospital. At 9:20pm we check in and the nurse tells me that I am dilated to a 6 already. So she grabs the doctor we called my mom to get her down to the hospital to pick up Brooklyn, and then they wheel me in to the operating room. By time this all happens I'm dilated to a 8 and the doctor decides to break my water. I tell him get my husband in here and as BJ is getting ready to hand Brooklyn to the nurse to watch, my mom shows up to take her and BJ gets into the OR and I'm ready to push. I push a few unbearable times and decide I can't do this..... I kept telling BJ that, and he just kinda looked at me like... huh you really don't have a choice... but instead encourages me and says ya you can. As BJ is telling me this the doctor tells me that the baby is posterior and he is not getting oxygen so I need to hurry and get him out. I do one more giant push and he was out. BJ cut the cord... they got the baby breathing (he was soooo purple) and whisked him away. I told BJ to follow the baby while the doctor finished up. About an hour or two later we got to go to the NICU to go visit our baby for the first time. He is a gorgeous baby and I still can't stop looking at him.
Any way overall he is doing great and we want to thank everyone for all the support and prayers that you have given us.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Corn Belly's

Well on Saturday we decided to go to a corn maze at Thanksgiving point. Brooklyn started off the morning a bit on the cranky side but soon cheered up when she could run around in a corn maze and get lost with daddy. Here are a few pictures of that morning.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our lastest picture

Well we got to see our new baby last week and this is it's first picture. Our due date got pushed back to 12-12-10 so that is pretty easy to remember. We were not able to find out the sex yet but we will next month. Brooklyn is going to be the best big sister.... she is starting to say baby and calls every kid.... even ones the same age as her "baby". She has also started to feed her baby dolls there bottles. It is really cute. Brooklyn has had a lot happen the past two weeks.... 1st she got 5 teeth for a grand total of 8 teeth and another on the way. While daddy went to Vegas for his chess tournament Brooklyn got her pacifier taken away... it was a hard week for her but she is doing much better now. She even sleeps sounder. When daddy came back, Auntie Netty came out to visit us from Martha's Vineyard and we went down to Moab for a family reunion ..... she hated to drive and all the crowds but is happy now that we are home again. And last but not least Auntie Lia is out from Texas with her two kids Julia and Colton, who Brooklyn is starting to warm up to. We will post more pictures soon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A long awaited update

Well it has been a while since I have written about anything, but this is what we have been up to this past month.......
First of all Easter well it was not that great of an Easter for us this year Brooklyn got sick which got BJ and I sick..... but what is Easter without Family celebrations!!! Yup we went to Grandma & Grandpa Young's got them sick, then we went to Grandma & Grandpa Laverty's house and got them sick too.
On may 6th (was my Birthday) Brooklyn stayed with Grandma & Grandpa Laverty and BJ and I went to Vegas with another couple and had a great time! We stayed at the JW Marriott down there and we went to a jousting show at the Excalibur it was so fun. We also went to the Hoover Dam and got a tour of it.
And last but certainly not least Mother's Day Oh how we love our Mother's...... so BJ and I decided to share our news with our families that we will be expecting a new baby into our family in the beginning of December. Yup that's right WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!! 11 weeks along to be exact. And we are so excited!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Brooklyn's 1

Brooklyn loved being the center of attention!!!! She is definitely going to be some kind of actress.

She loved the taste of cake........
Not the feel of it!!!!!!
She got so many presents and tried to pull everything out by herself.

Ahhhhhhh she loves her new blankey!!!!!

Over all we had a great birthday party...... thank you everyone for all the presents and for sharing this special day with us!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010


So BJ has been helping Brooklyn to walk and today it paid off she can walk across the whole front room by herself!!!!!! Yea!!! now for new adventures and more trouble...Sorry it is sideways:(

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another exciting month!!!

We bought speakers for our theater room so this is Brooklyn helping Daddy install them. She is totally Daddy's little girl.

So much has happened this month it is crazy!!! First of all BJ got his Journeyman's license, which is a huge relief. We bought a jogging stroller so I can finally start to work off the baby fat...... it only took a year to get in the mood to do that. Brooklyn started walking... she still is not confident but if you stand in front of her she will walk to you. She can make it about half way across the room, then she gets nervous and takes a seat. And we are also getting ready to celebrate Brooklyn's first birthday next week!!!!! Wow time really flew!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This was Brooklyn in her cute Valentine's Day Dress...... she was just too cute!!!

This is just the cutest picture of Brooklyn and BJ..... yup they still look like twins... man he makes a cute little girl!!!

This is Brooklyn's new face she makes when she is upset with you.... and she breathes out her nose kinda like the dog panting... it cracks me up.

Brooklyn is 10 1/2 months old, she sings row row row your boat .... well it is more like RA RA RA RA RA RA but only does it to that song, say hi, dada, ah ah for no no and just kinda bables. You look back to last year and it went by way too quick. It is sad to look at pictures of her when she was brand new. Yup I going down that road..... We remember saying oh I wish she would wake up so we can play with her.... now it's please take a nap today. But at the same time you can't help but laugh when you are siting cross legged and she sit on your foot in the air and starts to bounce waiting for a ride. Or when you are reading/ singing to her and she start to sing also. My favorite is when BJ comes home and she puts her hand in the air and says HI DADA with a huge smile. She also just plays BJ for all he's worth... he tries to get her to stand (and she can for a few seconds) but she just sits, and if he walks away she will pull herself up on a toy, table or anything she can get her hands on, and will take 2 steps to get to him. She just wants to do it all herself. She wants to be with him from the moment he gets home and it is super cute.
In a month we will be getting ready to have a birthday party for a 1 year old and again looking back at this age and this point in time and think..... Where did it go