I guess we have been a little busy lately so sorry for not updateing sooner....... First of all Spencer is now off of oxygen...... he got off on BJ's birthday which was Feb. 23rd so that was an all around great day!!! We are trying to get him off of his apnea monitor but apearently the company we are going with didnt download the memory to our doctor and so now i'm not sure if they still have it or how he did ..... Oh how I love people!!!! If they do not have the memory saved then he wont get off for another 2 months.... if they do have it still I hope he can get off now. And to add to this poor kids trails he will now be wearing one of those baby helmets. His head is really flat in the back but I guess his head is actually growing sideways instead of front and back. So on friday he got a plaster molding done of his head to make a helmet. We will receive that in two weeks. Poor Spence also has to go to physical therapy once a week for a while because he does not have full movement in his neck so I get to stretch his neck muscles about 3 times a day and then therapy once a week. And let me tell you he HATES his stretching. But honestly over all he is so good about all of these things that we have to do to him.... he is such a great baby. On the other hand.... Brooklyn is turning two this week and is a total hand full. Don't get me wrong she is a good hand full just constantly busy running circles around the kitchen table, holding her baby brother, escaping into the back yard to play in her sandbox and always saying mommy Dance. I think I will try to get her in a dance class to help get some of her energy out. But both kids are so happy and totally love each other. Spencer smiles and laughs every time he sees Brooklyn and she is always saying hi baby and hugging and kissing him. They are just super cute and we love them to bits!!!
12 years ago
1 comment:
It's about time Grammy julie made a comment about this wonderful blog! I think my kids make the most beautiful grandkids ever and I'm grateful every day of my life that BJ found Ronda and this cute family came to be. I'm so proud of the good people you are. moidsI sure love all FOUR of you!
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