Friday, May 1, 2009

One Month Already!!!!!!

Well Brooklyn is already one month and one week old. Amazing how quick time flies!!!!! Well we don't need to reminisce there are so many exciting things happening in our lives! First BJ passed his state test for electrical, which means he can take his Journeyman's test this summer. Ronda's sister came out with her family and her best friend Lindsay is visiting on the 6th. But the most has happened with Brooklyn...... she grabs and pulls any and everything she can get her hands on, she blows out a ton of diapers which is always so pleasant to clean up, and she laughs, smiles, and cries a lot more..... she knows what she wants now. And frankly she is just getting huge and it makes me sad!!!! But there is a plus side she is sleeping about 3 hours at a whack at night and 2 during the day, but she is still awake for one hour after each feeding which makes it hard at 3 in the morning when I want to sleep. But we only have to feed her every 3 to 4 hours which is alot nicer than every 2 hours.

1 comment:

Michael and Lia said...

Sorry to hear about the blow-outs and lack of sleep. I'm not. I went through it and quite frankly it is nice to hear someone else has to too! What can I say, misery loves company! Brooklyn is a cutie and she's worth the long nights! We loved the pictures and can't wait to meet our new niece.